How to Leave a Review for a Guest on Airbnb

Writing Airbnb guest reviews is your duty to the hosting community. Where would y'all be today if hosts before you lot hadn't given your guests rave reviews—or warned you of guests that gave them issues?

Across that, writing Airbnb guest reviews is simply good concern. For adept guests, information technology shows you care. For problem guests, it offers a risk to tell your side of the story. And for those in between, it's a matter of being thorough.

But gosh, can they get exhausting. So whether y'all're writing your very outset review or looking for a way to brand your thousandth one a little different from those before it, here are our tips for Airbnb guest reviews that are professional and impactful.

good airbnb guest reviews

The Skilful

Had a guest that you hit it off with immediately? Or fuss-free guests who left your infinite in tip-top shape? That's the kind of vacation rental kismet that we all promise for!

But still, reviewing good guests can feel a scrap…weird. Peculiarly if you lot forged a personal connection with them while they were staying in your rental. Just how exercise y'all put a guest's greatness into words?

Here'southward what we suggest for skillful Airbnb guest reviews:

  1. Praise them! No demand to re-invent the cycle. Proceed it elementary with something similar "X was a pleasance to host."
  2. Bespeak to a specific moment. Later on you've made information technology articulate that this is a good review, brand it personal. Mention something specific that the guest did that you appreciated. Maybe they smiled and waved whenever y'all crossed paths. Maybe they were super responsive during the booking process. Or maybe they followed your house rules with star pupil gusto.
  3. Make a nod towards future bookings. Ending your review with something similar "Ten is welcome dorsum any time" concludes your review on a welcoming note. It likewise reminds your A+ guest that they have a solid option whenever they're back in the area, planting the seed for repeat bookings.

bad airbnb guest reviews

The Bad

You set the proper expectations —but your guests demanded the sun and the moon. Or they never read your firm rules and left chaos in their wake. Or they were simply oblivious to their bad beliefs (often the hardest review of all!).

We promise we never accept to write bad reviews, but it's bound to happen to every host at some bespeak. When it does, remember to be professional. That might be hard—peculiarly if a guest blatantly disrespected your rental—but losing your cool just hurts your credibility.

Here's what we suggest for problem Airbnb guest reviews:

  1. Be diplomatic. Be straightforward but continue your emotions in check. Something along the lines of "a hotel would take been ameliorate suited for X" makes your point while remaining fifty-fifty-keeled.
  2. Exist clear, only avoid laundry list. If guests did impairment or caused big problems, you should admittedly mention it in your guest reviews. But avoid creating a dramatic roll telephone call of every slight they fabricated against y'all. Something along the lines of "our housekeeper had to spend far more time at this rental than usual subsequently checkout" is more effective than "X left dishes in the sink, candy wrappers on the floor, and muddied towels in every room of the house."
  3. Take the proper steps beyond reviewing. If y'all suspect your guest will also leave you a negative review, be prepared to respond professionally . And if their behavior was cause for compensation, that's something to take upward with Airbnb or your insurance. Non something to hash out in your guest reviews.

average airbnb guest reviews

The In-Between

For most hosts, a vast many of guests will exist right in the middle. They'll follow your rules for the most role, maintain respectful advice, and be in and out of your rental without much incident.

And that makes your job a piddling easier. Only how do you write unique reviews for each guest when you're hosting dozens and dozens of guests a year?

Here's what we propose for average Airbnb guest reviews:

  1. Don't phone call on the muses. While these reviews should be professional, don't give in to the pressure to make them perfect. A decent review that's washed is amend than i that you'll never get around to perfecting and posting.
  2. Focus on something tangible. Every guest will have at least ane quality worth mentioning—even if it'south that they breezed in and breezed out with no result. Telephone call it out in your review.
  3. Skew it accordingly. Maybe a guest is in-between, only tipping a little more than towards one side of the scale. Take a cue from the good and bad guest advice accordingly. For good-leaning guests, extend a welcome for future stays. For borderline problem guests, briefly and diplomatically mention the biggest issue.

Need help with your Airbnb guest reviews?

Don't let this uncomplicated task go the bane of your hosting existence. At Guest Hook, we help Airbnb owners and managers beyond the globe with anything that needs writing. We'll aid y'all create templates for like shooting fish in a barrel Airbnb guest reviews—and we specialize in creating listing descriptions that attract the guests that will be happiest at your rental. Get in bear on with us today.


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